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Click here for Swadhyay Details :
Gayatri Pariwar – Australia is an integral part of the world-wide Gayatri Pariwar movement, founded by Yugrishi Sri Ram Sharma Acharya and Mata Bhagawati Devi Sharma. Gayatri Pariwar is a spiritual movement that regenerates the highest human
Read moreShri Ram Sharma Acharya, A Pioneer Of Spiritual Renaissance. Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya was born on 20th September 1911, at Awalkheda, in Agra District. Since his childhood, he had such a keen and unswerving inclination towards spirituality that
Read moreSearch Born on September 1926, in a famous priestly family, Mata Bhagwati Devi (Mataji), since her childhood, was more interested in worshipping God. After her marriage to Acharyaji, Mataji took over the responsibility of looking after visitors
Read moreFree Conferencing Call App from Google Play Store or Apple Store.
AWGP Australia invites you all to Audio swadhyay details :
1) *Tuesday
दैनिक 30 मिनट Audio book listening सत्र
*સમય –
9.00PM to 9:30 PM Sydney Time (Australia)
India time (IST) : 4.30pm to 5:00pm
2) Friday :
Swadhyay in Gujarati
*સમય –
9.00PM to 9:30 PM Sydney Time (Australia)
India time (IST) : 4.30pm to 5:00pm
AWGP Maa Ki Sanskar Shala Weekly Swadhyay
Online reading sessions for parents on how to inculcate healthy habits in children which includes
1. Focussed reading on one virtue, challenges and solution
2. Expert Talk
3. Psychological support
Reading session are based on Maa Ki Sanskar Shala curriculum:
Day & Time: Every Thursday, 09:00 PM AEST, 04:30 PM IST
Language: Hindi
Join Zoom Meeting:
Or Dial by your location and follow instructions:
* +1 305 224 1968 US
* +61 8 6119 3900 AUS
Meeting ID: 810 7444 7037
Passcode: 202020
To join global community:
Yuva Prakoshth, Shantikunj, Haridwar, Bharat
Call- +919258360652
Whatsapp- +919258360962
Australia Contact: 0469-357-315
*સમય –
6.20PM to 6:30 PM Sydney Time (Australia)
Topic: AWGP Baal Sanskar Shala
Time: Every Sunday 5:00 pm to 6:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Using Zoom Meeting
Monthly yagya at different parijan’s house
Once every month
AWGP Sydney monthly program on first Sunday of each month from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm .
Next monthly program will be held on 4th August 24, as per the calendar –
The venue is: 302/10 Century Circuit Norwest, NSW- 2763.
The activities would include:
a) Deep Yagya
b) Meditation & Pranayam
c) Update on any new activities of mission
c) Tea/coffee, fruits
Requesting all can fill-up this form before being booked out of space.
Our beloved parijan brothers and sisters and associates I am speaking from Shantikunj. A very
"Gayan Trayate Sa Gayatrt"; Meaning: That, which protects the gaya (prana) is Gayatri. The scholarly "Shankar
The power of sound in mantras is far more refined, intense and deep. Apart from the gross impact of the
A workshop to collectively contemplate upon the important aspects of life. It is an art of being, and art of becoming. Yagya – fire is a scientific method of subtilisation of matter into energy and expanding its potential and positive effects in the surrounding atmosphere. Send Request
Objective is to share and grow collectively on the path of holistic development of all. Educate in the art of health and happiness Engage, and channelize youth energy Empower to make right choices.
Stories | Yoga | Hindi | Swadhyay
Revolutionary development with significant practical relevance, easy with minimal rituals & inspiring impact, the Deep Yagya carry excellent impact in influencing the subtle domains of thought and sentiments with teaching of Yagya. Know More