Every Tuesday and Friday : 9:00 pm to 9:30 pm https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83190506467?pwd=anFvcm9XVDhOQ05Lbktzd3YrS0RLQT09 Meeting ID: 831 9050 6467 The word Swadhyay literally means “study of the self”. Delving deeper, we find that it is actually a life-changing experience.It is a philosophy intended to uplift human life; as Rev. Dadaji says. “We do not want a philosophy which is purely theoretical and which merely discusses utopian ideas and theories. We do not want a philosophy which is merely otherworldly; instead, we want a philosophy which is practical, one that can be useful in our daily lives, i.e. we want a philosophy that can be lived.” |